10 Things Set Leaks Have Revealed About Upcoming Blockbusters

3. Godzilla 2 Features An Epic Monster Stampede

Boba Fett Han Solo
Warner Bros. Pictures

Granted, this was always a given considering the monster sequel will feature Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah, but leaked photos have teased the carnage nicely.

One scene filmed in Mexico hints at a large-scale set piece from Godzilla: King of Monsters in which the titular creature (or one of the behemoths it will be facing off against) stampedes through Plaza de Santo Domingo.

The sequence sounds epic and chaotic in equal measure, with around 700 extras said to have been recruited to flee from the destruction. This kind of thing is exactly why people pay to see Godzilla movies.

Godzilla: King of Monsters will stomp into cinemas next year, and set up Godzilla vs. Kong ahead of its 2020 debut with a post-credits sting, no doubt.


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