10 Things That Happen In Movies That Piss You Off

3. Nobody Finishes Their Food Or Drinks

Amelie 2001
Sony Pictures Releasing

Filming scenes where people are eating or drinking can be a logistical nightmare, because there's a need to maintain continuity of how much food and drink are in front of each character during the course of a scene typically filmed over many takes.

This is why you'll so often see characters simply push food around their plate for the duration of a scene while talking, to give the impression they're partaking in the ritual called dinner, albeit without actually eating any of it and creating a massive continuity headache.

But far more annoying is the fact that nobody ever seems to actually finish a meal in movies.

A husband might be eating breakfast with his wife, and as soon as the scene's dialogue has been exhausted, he'll kiss his wife on the cheek, insist he's late, and then leave with half a plate full of egg, bacon, and sausage.

Beyond being totally rude to whoever lovingly cooked this meal for you, it's just insanely wasteful. What the hell?

Drinks aren't much better, especially in bars, where characters will up and leave the watering hole once there's no more dialogue left, frequently leaving behind almost an entire pint of beer or glass of wine at the same time. At least down your drink before you go, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.