10 Things We Learned From This Year's Super Bowl Trailers

5. 10 Cloverfield Lane May Be A Monster Movie After All

There were a few unexpected surprises during this year's Super Bowl, but perhaps the biggest was this new look at the recently revealed Cloverfield spinoff 10 Cloverfield Lane. While it previously seemed as if the movie would focus mostly on a woman's attempt to escape her seemingly deranged captor and his claims of monsters being set loose on the world, this preview certainly points to it having some creatures of its own. The question on everyone's lips now is whether this is the same monster from Cloverfield (unlikely given its size) or something else altogether. For that matter, are the two movies even set in the same universe or are do they just share the same premise? There's a long list of unanswered questions surrounding this upcoming release which likely won't be answered until it reaches cinemas, but what looked like a low budget psychological thriller now has all the hallmarks of an epic action picture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOU82MlX3wQ

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.