10 Things We Want To See In Ready Player Two

9. Augmented Reality Brings The OASIS Into The Real World

Ready Player One
Warner Bros.

It's important to remember that Ready Player One's source material was released back in 2011, and its premise already seems a little dated due to how eagerly it banks on the success of virtual reality gaming tech, despite the fact that current VR trends suggest otherwise.

Rather, augmented reality gaming - where the player isn't locked inside a helmet away from the real world - is far more likely to land with the mainstream, and so it'd make sense for Cline to appreciate this market shift when plotting out the sequel.

Focusing on AR technology could allow the OASIS to spill out into the real world, and while many players treat the current OASIS as an escape from the horrors of the real world, the first film's ultimate message about unplugging from virtual reality and enjoying the real world feels like a natural nod towards the impending popularity of AR gaming.

Though real-world AR tech is still rather primitive - Pokémon Go, for instance - it should nevertheless give Cline a firm base to imagine its far more advanced and immersive potential (just as he did with VR in the original story).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.