10 Things You Didn't Know About Eddie Redmayne

8. He Lied About Horse Riding To Land A Role

Fantastic Beasts Eddie Redmayne

Ever fibbed about a particular skill or talent in order to land a job interview? Well, turns out actors are partial to it, too. You might be wondering to yourself: surely actors just show up to a rehearsal and perform...how's it possible to lie about that?

In the case of the TV miniseries Elizabeth I, director Tom Hooper required the actor who played Southampton be able to ride a horse, as the skill was pivotal to the shooting of multiple scenes. So Redmayne told Hooper that he could.

The truth was revealed when a particularly ambitious scene was repeatedly ruined by Eddie, who was unable to control his horse, leading to Tom Hooper reaching for his megaphone and accusing the newbie actor of lying, trotting him immediately off to "horse school".


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.