10 Things You Didn't Know About Freddy Krueger

3. He's A Certified Porn Star

Freddy Krueger Didnt Know
Tom Byron Pictures

Nightmare On Elm Street has a perfect set up for a parody. Freddy comes in your dreams to kill you, so having that tie in to the obvious "wet dream" problem most people have experienced at least once in their life, leads to the sweet adult-hybrid known as A Wet Dream On Elm Street.

The film opens with a young woman dreaming about having all sorts of sex with a very well-endowed gentleman. Twenty-plus minutes later she wakes up next to Freddy. Some hilarious banter is exchanged as she mistakes him for Edward James Olmos to which he responds, “Why can’t anyone ever mistake me for a burned Brad Pitt?”.

In a later flashback sequence, the audience is regaled with the story of Freddy, who is now portrayed as a creep who sold sex toys out of the trunk of his car. When his customer base found out he was overcharging and misrepresenting his products, there was hell to pay. After being burnt from the waist up, Freddy vowed revenge. So now, several years later, he’s back, fingering girls into unconsciousness with his four-dildo love glove. It’s amazing.


Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com