10 Things You Didn't Know About Amber Heard

8. She's A Bit Of A Petrolhead & A Gun Enthusiast

Heard may be one of the most gorgeous and feminine-looking women on the planet, but some of her interests are far from being typically "girly". For starters, she has a major interest in cars - classic cars in particular - and has openly claimed to spend pretty much all of her disposable money on classic cars. She has been known to drive both a 1968 Mustang and a 1967 Mercedes 250SL and she tries to fix them up herself as much as she can, buying any required spare parts on eBay. Her interest was epitomised when she guest-starred on British motoring television show Top Gear on their "Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car" segment, when she turned up in driving gloves and raring to go - though her lap time wasn't actually very good. Heard also has a keen interest in guns and owns a .357 Magnum handgun.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.