10 Things You Didn't Know About Cape Fear

9. There's More Than Meets The Eye To DeNiro's Tattoos

Cape Fear
Universal Pictures

Whilst realistic and effective enough for the movie to create quite the impact, De Niro didn't actually go under the needle to get his biblical, vengeful, wobbly scribblings permanently etched onto his body. Instead, the whole get up was created using vegetable dye, lasting a few months rather than for the rest of his life. Seems like a fair trade off.

In a recent thread about the film's production notes, a picture was revealed detailing De Niro's various quotes and pictures he had applied for the movie; a simple image going over the colour ways and connections between the tattoos.

Selecting bible verses to do with vengeance and redemption, De Niro and the artists for the movie wielded holy scriptures like weapons, and created the giant cross laden with scales as representation of his weighted revenge plan throughout the film.

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Cape Fear
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.