10 Things You Didn't Know About Chucky
A dossier on the doll of death.

Chucky may be pint-sized, but he's a horror behemoth with enough fans and sequels under his belt to rival any of the genre's heavyweights.
Since making his debut in the original Child's Play back in 1988, the killer doll has appeared in six sequels, most recently Cult of Chucky which touched down to decent reviews just in time for Halloween 2017.
Although he's not the only murderous toy to wreak havoc in Hollywood, the Brad Dourif-voiced horror icon is by far the most famous, even though the Puppet Master series continues to churn out throwaway sequels and the Annabelle movies made big bucks at the box office.
Chucky has achieved a lot since transferring his soul into a doll in the first movie. He's racked up an impressive kill count, returned from the dead almost as many times as Jason Voorhees, got hitched and even fathered children.
Most Child's Play fans will already know about these milestone events in his life, but there are a lot of things about him even the most devoted members of his cult aren't aware of...
10. Chucky's Full Name Is A Combination Of Three Famous Murderers

Most Child's Play fans will be well aware that Chucky's full name is Charles Lee Ray, but not everyone knows where that name came from.
It's actually an amalgamation of three famous murderers: Charles Manson, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray.
Manson was responsible for a series of murders carried out by his “followers” during the 1960s, Oswald assassinated JFK in 1963, and Ray was convicted of killing civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr in 1968.