10 Things You Didn't Know About Final Destination

4. The Deleted Scene Baby

Final Destination Alex
New Line Cinema

One of the great things about DVDs was and is the plenty of space for special features, including deleted scenes.

Now, editors didn't have to worry about chucking out hours of good material; they could just bung it on the DVD release and go home happy. And this is precisely what happened when Final Destination got its home release, as fans of the show were treated to number of scenes that might have been, including this revelation about Clear Rivers.

Played by Ali Larter, Clear is one of the survivors who makes it right to the end of the movie, although it's clear that Death still isn't through with her. In one deleted scene found on the DVD release, Clear discovers that she is pregnant, later giving birth to a bouncy baby boy.

Because of the rules of Death, the creation of new life cancels out Clear's debt, which she is ecstatic about. Although, chances are, Death will probably still find a way to claim her. Death doesn't like to play fair.

Clear names the baby Alex as, in this version of the movie, he dies saving her from some electrical wires.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.