10 Things You Didn't Know About Ghostface

2. Ghostface Isn’t Named Until Scream 4 (Technically)

Scream Tatum Riley
Dimension Films

Despite being known as ‘Ghostface’ when the films are discussed, the character isn’t named as such until Scream 4.

Known only as ‘The Killer’, ‘The Woodsboro Murderer’, ‘Father Death’ or credited as ‘The Voice’ in the first Scream, the name was of course adopted from the confrontation between Rose McGowan’s feisty Tatum Riley taunting the character, sarcastically begging, “Please don’t kill me Mr Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!”

You’d think she’d be able to do just that after naming the iconic baddie, but alas a garage door and a doggie flap had to get in the way. Life really isn’t fair is it?

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Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.