10 Things You Didn't Know About Gladiator

8. The Two Horses On Maximus' Armour Are Named Silver And Scout After The Horses In The Lone Ranger

Throughout the course of Gladiator we see Maximus go from Roman general to slave, then from gladiator to saviour of Rome - the costume department inevitably had a field day dressing him up in appropriate garb throughout, adorning his gladiatorial armour with a variety of emblems. In one scene with the young boy Lucius, son of Lucilla and nephew to the evil Commodus, Maximus gestures to the two horses on his breast and names them Argento and Scarto - Latin for Silver and Scout. In the extended edition DVD commentary Russell Crowe jokes about these names and how they make reference to the two horses owned by the Lone Ranger and Tonto. The jokes in Gladiator are few and far between, but the occasional in-joke never goes amiss.
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