10 Things You Didn't Know About Harry Potter's Scar

4. It Can Never Be Removed

harry potter and the philosopher's stone baby harry scar
Warner Bros

In the Harry Potter universe, witches and wizards are able to unlock doors with the flick of a wrist, repair glasses in two seconds flat, and even regrow bones. But Harry's scar is something he'll never be able to get rid of.

We already mentioned how Rowling once considered ending the series with an "is the scar still there?" cliffhanger, implying that, somehow, Harry was able to remove it, or that it just vanished. Well, here's a good reason why that ending simply wouldn't have worked: it would go against something Dumbledore said in the very first book.

"He’ll have that scar forever."

Dumbledore also mentions that even if he could fix Harry's scar, he wouldn't. He's one of the most skilled wizards of all time, but even with the power of the magical world at his disposal, there isn't anything he can do about the mark on Harry's forehead.

The scar isn't just a normal cut or wound: it was left by a curse that's supposed to kill. It's a dark mark that isn't just on Harry; it's a part of him. When Voldemort attacked Harry that night in Godric's Hollow, he branded the young boy for the rest of his life.

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