10 Things You Didn't Know About Jumanji
4. Monkey See, Monkey ... Crash?

During one sequence, Alan walks out into the street directly in front of a moving police car. After some initial questioning, in which Judy and Peter Shepherd explain Alan's crazy appearance away by claiming he's just come back from Indonesia serving in the Peace Corps, the Police Officer becomes the unsuspecting victim of a car jacking as two evil looking monkeys make off with his vehicle.
The scene is a favourite among fans but did you know that Betty Thomas, the stuntwoman who was driving the car for the scene, actually lost control while filing and smashed into a tree at 60 mph? Fortunately Thomas suffered only minor cuts and cruises, while both the vehicle and the poor unsuspecting tree were less fortunate.
Director Joe Johnston claims that he later had to plead with local paparazzi who had filed the whole debacle to not release the footage to the mainstream press. Whatever happened to the footage remains a mystery, but you can bet that if this happened today it would be all over Facebook and Twitter within 10 minutes.