10 Things You Didn't Know About Memento

1. It Has An Unintentional Foreshadowing Easter Egg

And finally, in a particularly spooky Easter Egg that can€™t possibly have been deliberate, Memento features a fleeting nod towards a pair of DC Comics characters €“ Superman and Batman, both of whom Nolan has since gone on to work with on the big screen. As you surely know, Nolan directed The Dark Knight Trilogy for Warner Bros, and has since stuck around to executive produce Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. But before he landed either gig, Nolan had snuck both superheroes into his movie. Leonard drives past the iconic emblems of Batman and Superman in one of the many driving scenes in Memento. Of course, this is merely background dressing and might not have even been under Nolan€™s control. But still, it€™s nonetheless a cool little moment with a bit of hindsight on your side. Judging by the other logos on that briefly glimpsed shop window, we can surely expect Nolan to work on a Pokemon movie, some WWF wrestling broadcasts and his own Star Wars film at various points in the future. Or, y€™know, he might not... Either way, this tiny prophetic Easter Egg is one of the best little-known facts about Memento €“ it turns out that Chris Nolan was working with DC years before Batman Begins. What€™s your favourite fact about Memento? Tell us in the comments€

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.