Olivia Wilde is cool. There really is no getting past this rather undeniable fact - and on a biological level. After all, here's an actress whose parents happen to be renowned journalists with reputations for traversing the world's most dangerous war-torn countries. Evelyn Waugh was her grandfather's cousin. Her grandfather, a writer, was friends with Graham Greene, and fought alongside Ernest Hemingway in the Spanish Civil War. Uh-huh: that's all true. Then there's the small matter that she's absolutely beautiful, down to Earth, charitable, and has offered up fine performances in a whole number of motion picture ventures: everything from Tron: Legacy to Drinking Buddies to Her showcases an actress who knows how to change it up and is clearly looking to carve out an eclectic and varied filmography. Family history, gorgeous looks and acting career aside, Olivia Wilde also happens to have lived a life most enviable; at just 31, she's seen and done things that most human beings could only hope to achieve in a whole lifetime, and has a talent - or luck - for getting herself into one incredible situation after another (as this article will undoubtably showcase). Not to mention the fact that she's married to former SNL funny-man and actor Jason Sudeikis. What follows, then, are 10 facts about the wonder that is Olivia Wilde, most of which you probably didn't know. Prepare to have your mind-blown by, oh, at least all of them...
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.