It makes sense that Dawson would get on with card-carrying nerds like Rob Zombie and Quentin Tarantino she's pretty dorky herself. The actor is related to comic book artist and animator Gustavo Vazquez, whose work you might recognise from The Boondocks and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and she's dipped her toe into funnbyooks herself. Rosario Dawson is credited as not only the co-creator of the comic book OCT: Occult Crimes Taskforce, but she also co-wrote it with David Atchison and sort of starred in it as well. There are dozens upon dozens of comics out there which bear the names of celebrities, like Tyreese Gibson's Mayhem!, but they're rarely all that involved. But Rosario Dawson's didn't just attach her name to OCT, she's all over the book. An Image Comics miniseries about a section of the NYPD that deals with magical crimes, lead character Sophia Ortiz clearly bears a resemblance to the actor too. She's a big comic book reader herself, explaining her appearance on Daredevil.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at