10 Things You Didn't Know About Starship Troopers

6. The Song At The High School Graduation Dance Is A David Bowie Cover With The Words Changed

Neil Patrick Harris - Starship Troopers
Sony Pictures

Early in the film, our newly introduced heroes celebrate their graduation from high school with an end of year dance. It's an important scene that signifies the end of innocence for the characters while reinforcing Johnny's enduring dedication to Carmen (and her joy at his decision to join the mobile infantry) and reminding us of Dizzy's jealous disapproval of their relationship.

The scene also has a killer soundtrack, featuring two songs by musician and actress Zoe Roche (who performs them in the scene), the eldest daughter of film composer Basil Poledouris, who scored the film and created the iconic soundtrack for another Verhoeven and Neumeier classic, Robocop.

Roche's quirky dance number "Into It" is incorporated into the scene alongside the soothing yet foreboding "I Have Not Been To Paradise". Keen listeners might recognise the latter and for good reason, it's a cover of David Bowie's "I Have Not Been To Oxford Town" (from his 1995 album Outside) just with altered lyrics.

This song is one of the few things that dates Starship Troopers but its inclusion perfectly complements the tone of the scene, cleverly foreshadowing the chaotic events to be seen later on with the haunting repetition of the line "all is well".


Christopher is a freelance pop culture writer, podcaster and self-confessed nerd from Scotland. He's also the owner, founder and editor at "The Head Scratcher" and a host of "The Scratch Cast" podcast. Visit www.theheadscratcher.com to find out more.