10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

5. Force Invisibility

Star Wars Yaddle Force Power

Returning to the ways the Force could be used to assist those who possessed the power to wield it, wait til you get a load of this rare ability.

As seen in the Expanded Universe, a number of folks within the Jedi Order - and outside of it - actually learned how to use something known as Force cloak. By manipulating the sound and light waves around them, they could pretty much make themselves entirely invisible to the average onlooker.

It was something that was said to be super tough to learn, so it'd mostly be utilised by those who had a natural ability for it. It also took an awful lot out of the person doing the cloaking, requiring a freakish amount of concentration and energy to keep up.

If you were wondering if any well-known Jedi or Sith secretly had this useful tool in their back pocket, well, it turns out that in that Legends continuity, the likes of Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, and even 'The Chosen One' himself Anakin Skywalker could all go full Harry Potter and throw out their own invisibility cloak of sorts when the time called for it.

So, there you have it, Force camouflage was definitely a thing in the Expanded Universe.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...