10 Things You Didn't Know About The Matrix Trilogy

6. Neo Is A Benchwarmer

The Matrix
Warner Bros. Pictures

The concluding chapter of the original Matrix trilogy, The Matrix Revolutions, leaves us in a rebooted matrix -- a new, post-'90s world abound with colour, where peace reigns, tech is no longer to be feared and there is supposedly an open door to the real world. All thanks to Neo and a hefty shift of face-punching.

In the final scene, we find the Oracle (Mary Alice) on a bench, where she meets the Architect (Helmut Bakaitis), Sati (Tanveer K Atwal) and Seraph (Collin Chou). Though it is near-indecipherable, eagle-eyed viewers with a cutting edge zoom function (Enhance! Enhance!) can discover the dedication plaque on the bench, which reads In Memory of Thomas Anderson.

Though Agent Smith is the only one who refers to Neo as Mr Anderson with any regularity throughout the series, this is nonetheless instantly recognisable as a dedication to Neo, by his in-matrix/pre-awakening name, Thomas Anderson. The One may have gone, but his memory lives on amongst machines and programs as it does amongst humankind.

All's well that ends well. Sort of...

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The Matrix
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