10 Things You Didn't Know About The Matrix Trilogy

4. Twins, Basil!

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

The Matrix was as well-regarded in 1999 for its practical effects, technological developments and outstanding cinematography as it still is today, with the directors often going to extreme and costly lengths to maintain our suspension of disbelief within this physics-bending world -- something they believed pure CGI was incapable of back then.

And rightly so, given some of the visual issues that plagued its sequels.

As a testament to this approach, the simulation scene, where Morpheus guides Neo through some of the pitfalls of the matrix using one of the rebels' own programs, subtly presents the viewer with innumerable twinned characters, all walking at cross purposes. This feature, designed to disorient Neo as much as the viewer, was achieved by hiring many different sets of identical twins, so that they could move through the scene at the same time, without a blue screen in sight.

Like Neo, many viewers will only have had eyes for Mouse's 'girl in the red dress', but this subtle, subliminal attention to detail provides an atmosphere of tension that many of cinema's masters of suspense could only dream of.

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The Matrix
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