10 Things You Didn't Know About The Matrix Trilogy

2. Dr West, I Presume?

The Matrix
Warner Brothers Pictures

The Matrix sequels brought a whole new world into focus, dropping us into the free city of Zion and showing the advancements humanity had made in their struggle against their machine overlords outside of the matrix.

This included, amongst other things, an underground city structure, cave orgies and a wise governing council. As the Wachowskis have a persistent interest in philosophy, and the entire premise of The Matrix is based upon the brain in a vat thought experiment, it makes sense then that they would include a real-life, bona fide philosopher as a member of this council.

Thus, the religious philosopher, racial justice activist and popular public figure Dr Cornel West appears as the aptly named Councillor West. Dr West was shocked to hear that the Wachowskis had created a part for him, but after learning that his own writings has been instrumental in the creation of their plots, themes and deeper philosophical ideas, he jumped at the chance to step into the matrix universe and flew out to Australia to join the shoot.

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The Matrix
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