10 Things You Just Have To Accept About The Amazing Spider-Man Reboot

2. It's Going To Get Darker (And Dumber)

Somehow when it comes to comic book films, dark and dumb just go hand-in-hand. Somehow only the Dark Knight Saga has come through barely unscathed, and even it was thrown with a few speed bumps. But now that we are promised another two Spider-Man films, we must come to grips with the fact that with the addition of the Sinister Six, the stakes must be raised even higher. Spider-Man assisting Green Goblin in murder can€™t be the climax of the series: if they€™re going to include a full arsenal of rogues to tear New York asunder, they have to try even harder to dismantle Peter as well. Which means chances are they will go to exceptional lengths to make it happen. Will they kill Aunt May? Will they reveal Peter€™s dad as the man in the shadows? Will they introduce Mary Jane as the love interest only to have her betray Parker at the last second when she rather than Felicia Hardy is revealed as the Black Cat? What I€™m saying is, be ready to face palm. But don€™t count Webb and company out just yet. Whatever studio mandates may be stifling their creativity, they have failed yet to make a truly fatal move. And besides, even classic series have fallen prey to the same darker-is-dumber trappings; those Ewoks shared the screen with the terrifyingly badass Emperor Palpatine once upon a time, in what was otherwise a rather harried installment. We have to accept that either the dark content itself will be a source of insipidity, or comic relief will be used to balance out the horror. Given that Spidey himself is the comic relief of the franchise, we can bet instances of both cases will be in store.

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