10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

9. "Across The Stars" Is A Top Five Star Wars Banger

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

Staying on the subject of that doomed romance in Attack of the Clones, something else also becomes abundantly clear when re-immersing yourself in those Anakin and Padme scenes:

John Williams did not mess around when it came to their love theme!

Whether it's tinkling away in the background as the two talk over a bowl of grub, or swelling to an emotional climax when they engage in their first forbidden lip-lock, 'Across the Stars' enhances just about everything it touches during these romantic moments.

As beautifully delicate and fragile as this secret love affair is at one moment, then as strong and unstoppable as their passion the next, Williams added yet another all-time Star Wars banger to his over-flowing collection with Episode II. It's easily a top-five theme, not just in the prequels, but in the Skywalker Saga as a whole.

Hell, it's such a moving tune, it even helps awkward lines like Amidala's "I truly... DEEPLY... love you" one on Geonosis feel somewhat epic.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...