10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

7. Just How LONG It Takes For The Best Character To Show Up

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

While there's still no denying that incredible talents like Samuel L. Jackson and Natalie Portman are still largely wasted in this 2002 space opera, it's worth remembering that Attack of the Clones also boasts some properly mesmerising performances, too.

And though an occasionally fake bearded Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan and an always engaging Ian McDiarmid as an increasingly sinister Palpatine both deliver in their returns, it's a debuting character who really steals the show on a rewatch.

Which is even more impressive once you remember that he only bloody shows up more than halfway through the thing!

His name may be uttered a few times in the lead-up, but the captivating Christopher Lee's one-time Jedi Count Dooku only actually arrives on-screen when Obi-Wan shows up on Geonosis, well over an hour into Attack of the Clones' runtime.

With Dooku unquestionably acting as the film's primary antagonist - even with Palpatine pulling the strings in the shadow - many probably remember it feeling like the Separatist leader was present in the film way more than he actually is. 

It's remarkable just how commanding and complex a portrayal Lee manages to cram into less than 10 minutes of overall screen time. His intriguing exchanges with McGregor and Jackson - and general presence as the secret Darth Tyranus - have only gotten better with age. 


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...