10 Things You Learn Rewatching Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers (1989)

9. The Goofy Cops Don't Work

Halloween 5
Trancas International

The creative team behind Halloween 5 had the idea to incorporate a bit more humour into the proceedings, which is a strange idea but not necessarily a bad one. Some well-placed added levity could have made the horror all the more affecting if done right.

However, confining the humour to two slapstick, goofy cop characters was an awful idea. Deputies Nick Ross and Tom Farrah are members of the Haddonfield Police Department who are completely inept at their job, busy delivering one-liners and bickering with each other for the entirety of their screen-time.

They are already out-of-place at best, feeling as if they were ripped an Andy Griffith rerun, but the inclusion of Howarth's goofy cop soundtrack of honking horns and whistles makes it so much worse.

The idea of portraying the Haddonfield Police Department as bumblingly inept is a solid one, seeing as they've routinely failed to stop Michael throughout this franchise. But it has to be done in a more clever way than this to even have a hope of leaving an impact.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.