10 Things You Learn Rewatching Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers (1989)

2. The Myers House Finale

Halloween 5
Trancas International

In allowing the third act to play out as a confrontation solely between Jamie, Loomis, and Michael, the film delivers one of the strongest third acts of the entire franchise.

After so many films of build-up between Loomis and Michael, it is unbelievably fulfilling to see them come face-to-face like this. Especially because the tables are turned; for the first time, Michael is the victim and Loomis is the attacker.

But the beating heart of the sequence is Jamie's relationship to Michael. Opening the sequence with Jamie sitting in front of a mirror brusher her hair, directly mirroring Judith Myers in the first film's opening, immediately sets the tone. And on a character level, it provides a powerful catharsis for Jamie. She's spent the last two films leading up this ending searching for her place and longing for a family, while her only living family member tries to kill her. And here, for the first time, she gets to actively stand up to him.

And honestly, any film that has the guts to end on as bonkers of an ending as having Loomis shoot Michael with sleeping darts, drop a metal-chain-net on him, and then beat his face in with a plank of wood, deserves to be championed a bit.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.