10 Things You Need To Know About Michael Fassbender's Macbeth

2. Battle Scenes

Perhaps one reason for the success of previous Macbeth adaptations is the potential for battle scenes within the story. The play is bookended with two battles. The first appears off-stage as Macbeth leads an army to put down rebels attempting to murder the King. The second is the famous battle of Dunsinane, as the forest creeps towards the castle. This is suitably cinematic material which is surely going to be better depicted on camera as opposed to on stage. Judging from the trailer, the blood and thunder of battle is going to come across really well in this film. The grime and filth is welded to Fassbender's face as he meets his King after the first fight and the scale looks just about right - not the hundreds of thousands of computer generated images you see in the Middle Earth films, but still big enough and real enough to get a gasp out of audiences.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.