10 Things You Never Knew About Pennywise

8. He Shares Several Characteristics With Freddy Krueger

Pennywise Tim Curry
New Line Cinema/Warner Bros

In common with the lead villain from A Nightmare On Elm Street, Pennywise is a child murderer with supernatural abilities. Both antagonists can change their form, enter your dreams and play upon your worst fears.

At several points in the story, Pennywise manifests himself as a character close to one of the protagonists, appearing as Bill Denbrough’s brother and Beverly Marsh’s father. He can also terrify his prey by transforming into the decomposing corpses of his victims.

Just like Krueger, he loves to crack wise but jokes (“Is your refrigerator running? It is? Well, you’d better go catch it before it runs away”) aren’t really his strongest suit. He’s better at intimidation, and few characters could make the line “They all float down here” as memorable as he does.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'