10 Times Audiences Were Pissed Off At Film Premieres

1. Corey Feldman Ripped Off His Own Audience - My Truth: The Rape Of 2 Coreys

Fight Club
Warner Bros.

Back in March, '80s child star Corey Feldman premiered his new documentary film My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys, which he claimed would unearth shocking new allegations against men who sexually abused both himself and his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim decades prior.

Feldman had been teasing the allegations for literally years, and the film's premiere event took place at the Directors Guild of America's headquarters in Los Angeles, while home viewers could pay a one-off fee of $20 to stream the doc at home.

However, shortly after the film began screening, there was a supposed technical disruption, with Feldman launching into a clearly rehearsed performance where he claimed that "hackers" were attempting to stop the film from being shown.

Though the public screening did eventually go ahead, those trying to stream it at home were locked out, and in some cases customers paid the $20 fee several times over without being able to view the film.

Those in attendance claimed that the documentary ultimately made few new claims and only spurious, non-credible ones at that - namely a big one against Charlie Sheen.

When the film was finally made legitimately available to stream a few days later, viewers were again charged $20 for the "pleasure."

Oh, and Feldman didn't even bother to attend the post-screening "free pizza" event he promised to backers, causing many to finally write Feldman off as a charlatan hoaxer desperately trying to cash-in on his own troubled past and the #MeToo movement.

Following the utter fiasco of the premiere, Feldman reportedly fled the U.S. and, due to present global circumstances, hasn't been able to get a flight back.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.