10 Times Disney Blatantly Stole From Other Movies

6. Cars (Doc Hollywood)

Cars Doc Hollywood
Pixar & Warner Bros.

Though all of the aforementioned animated movies ripped off other animations, Cars was bold enough to crib from a hit live-action movie, serving as a retelling of the 1991 cult classic Michael J. Fox-starring comedy Doc Hollywood.

The core narrative is almost exactly the same in both movies: a douchebag protagonist is sentenced to community service for reckless vehicular behaviour, placing them in a fish-out-of-water small town setting where a quirky cast of locals teach them the value of love and friendship.

Even more precise details like the arc of the reluctant love interest, the cantankerous old mentor character and the protagonist's ultimate decision to stick around in their new locale feel pretty much identical.

The "influence" is so blatant here that there's definitely good grounds for a lawsuit, yet over a decade later, it just doesn't seem like it's happening.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.