10 Times Film-Makers Ruined Their Own Damn Movies

1. George Lucas Mess With Star Wars

Donnie Darko

Without a doubt one of Hollywood’s most meddlesome filmmakers, George Lucas just can’t leave Star Wars alone much to the consternation of diehard fans who feel his incessant tinkering – put bluntly – sh*ts all over the sanctity of the original trilogy.

In 1997 while preparing to butcher the Star Wars franchise with his crappy prequel trilogy, Lucas released a Special Edition remaster of the original trilogy with the intention of modernising the movies and making them consistent with the forthcoming prequels. Well that’s Lucas’s line anyway though we suspect dollar signs may have been twinkling in his eyes.

Many of the changes made in the Special Edition were kind of stupid and superfluous like throwing in a couple of extra CGI rocks and digitally airbrushing out Darth Vader’s eyebrows, but other alterations royally riled a lot of us the most controversial being the Greedo shooting at Han Solo first debacle.

Adding insult to injury, Lucas then released the much-maligned prequels and again made further changes to the original trilogy with its 2004 DVD release and 2011 Blu-ray release.

He’s defended his changes by claiming this is Star Wars as he wants Star Wars to be, but that attitude is a far cry from the younger, perhaps more idealistic George Lucas who once made an impassioned plea to Congress to enact legislation to protect works of film, saying “People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians”.

Hypocritical much, Mr Lucas?

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