10 Times Hollywood Pissed Off Fanboys (And Then Proved Them Wrong)
4. When Disney Bought Star Wars
The fanboy hysteria that gripped Marvel fanboys in the wake of Disney purchasing Marvel Studios also hit Star Wars fans when Lucasfilm suffered the same fate. As far as they were concerned, the future of their beloved saga had been thrown into doubt and all future films would be made simply with Disneyland attractions in mind.
Star Wars is known for having a particularly vocal fandom, and they were up in arms when George Lucas signed over his baby to the House of Mouse. In typically hyperbolic fashion, internet commentators predicted the end of Star Wars as we knew it, with many suggesting that the franchise was going to get the 'John Carter' treatment.
Disney announced their intention to make another trilogy (Episode 7 through 9) and Star Wars fans held their breath as the opening crawl of The Force Awakens slithered up cinema screens at premieres across the world. The response was overwhelmingly positive, not only from critics (the film is Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with a score of 92%) but from fans, too.
Initial concerns about how Disney would handle Star Wars evaporated overnight and fanboys were forced to retract their doomsday predictions. The studio recently announced their plans to continue making Star Wars films in perpetuity, meaning fans of the saga will be getting their space itch scratched for many years to come.