10 Times Hollywood Regretted Giving Directors All The Freedom

7. Blade Runner

Fantastic Four
Warner Bros. Pictures

Given the history of the work and decades of varying perspectives and arguments about what the film ultimately means (and which cut best expresses it), it's a wonder a coherent version of Blade Runner exists.

Ridley Scott is fairly well known for having alternate cuts of his films released years after their debut, but it all started after the success of Alien. After walking away from Dune and the tragic death of a brother, Scott once again headed into sci-fi.

Talking of the film today, it's difficult to convey what a rarity Blade Runner was upon release. Its influence on dystopian futurescapes and the heft with which it treats its source material wouldn't really be seen so faithfully adapted in the spiritual sense until the very recent past.

So it's no surprise Warner Bros. viewed it as a complete disaster, with little plot clarity and lofty, unfinished ideas about humanity. They didn't have time for that in their robot thriller.

As such, seven different cuts exist of the film, with the original theatrical release reviled by Scott and star Harrison For for its forced voiceover. Fans can argue about which cut they prefer, but there is some legitimate question as to just how much of Scott's personal choices are what the fans want; after all, he still might think Deckard is a replicant.


Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.