10 Times Horror Movies Got Weapons Wrong

1. TV Screens Don't Smash That Easily - Scream

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Dimension Films

Wes Craven's iconic slasher satire Scream ends with one of the film's two killers, Stu (Matthew Lillard), being 86'd in spectacularly over-the-top fashion, when final girl Sidney (Neve Campbell) pushes a TV on top of his head, the impact shattering the screen and promptly electrocuting Stu to death.

Anyone who knows anything about old-school CRT televisions can appreciate that they present a significant risk of electrocution if carelessly tinkered around with, so it's not entirely unrealistic that Stu could actually be electrocuted to death by coming into contact with the TV's broken screen.

But what's unrealistic about this scene is that the screen breaks so damn easily. There's just no way that a CRT TV screen from 1996 would break after being pushed off a short ledge and then contacting with a human head.

Sure, there's a strong chance it causes fatal blunt force trauma to Stu regardless, but considering that TVs of the period could withstand bricks being thrown at them with considerably greater force, there's just no way Stu's head ends up exposed to the guts of the TV and subsequently electrocuted.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.