10 Times Less Was Definitely More In Movies

7. The Blair Witch Project - Where Is The Witch?

Solaris George Clooney
Artisan Entertainment

Luring audiences in with one of the most innovative marketing campaigns for a feature film ever devised, The Blair Witch Project is a movie that thrives on the concept of “less is more”.

Produced on a small budget by Hollywood standards, directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez knew that their lack of funds meant they would need to provoke terror from their audience through the power of suggestion rather than any actual witch sightings. And so, the witch in The Blair Witch Project is never actually seen on screen.

Instead, the audience finds themselves terrified by imagining what could be out there. From the sounds of twigs snapping when everyone is inside their tents to waking the next morning to find their belongings stolen, the feeling that someone or something is always watching grips the main characters throughout the entire film and, by extension, you.

The pioneering use of found footage filmmaking only adds to this spine-chilling film’s prestige and proves that monsters don’t even need to be seen to give everyone who watches their films nightmares for years.


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