10 Times Movie Franchises Totally Broke Your Trust

4. From The Best To The Worst Of The MCU - Thor

The Flash Ezra Miller
Marvel Studios

Following up on Phase Three and Avengers: Endgame was always going to be a big ask for Marvel Studios, and unfortunately it has not gone too well over the last few years. Phases Four and Five have largely so far been let-downs in multiple different respects, but arguably no more so than Thor: Love and Thunder.

Taika Waititi's Thor: Ragnarok in no uncertain terms saved both the franchise and the character, and so there was almost an automatic expectation for something similar from the follow-up five years later. In the middle of the MCU franchise's biggest ever rough patch, it needed another Ragnarok, and a Jason Aaron-inspired space adventure with Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor helmed by Waititi should have done the job. There was no reason to expect anything else.

What was delivered however, was one of the worst of the 30+ movies under the MCU banner. Love and Thunder took everything that was charming about its predecessor, and exaggerated it far beyond what was enjoyable. There were very few laugh-out-loud moments, Korg went from an MCU treasure to an insufferable idiot, and the less said about Russell Crowe's Zeus the better.

Not only was this a huge let-down for Thor fans, and Marvel fans, it was the final nail in the MCU coffin for some. Even Chris Hemsworth has admitted Love and Thunder missed the mark, in what was one of the biggest downgrades and unwelcome shocks in recent movie memory.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.