10 Times Movies Should've Used CGI

7. Jurassic Park III

In Time

Jurassic Park III gets a lot of justified flak for its terrible script, awful characters, and horrendous anti-climax of an ending, but credit where credit's due, the CGI dinosaurs still look fantastic, and will likely age better than any of the digital dinos in the recent Jurassic World trilogy.

But the threequel also includes extensive dinosaur animatronics, and while most of them look pretty solid throughout, the practical Spinosaurus just doesn't pass muster.

During the opening plane crash sequence in particular, the Spinosaurus looks laughably fake, with its gormless, expressionless face and blatant lack of articulation compared to both the digital version and other animatronic dinos throughout the movie.

Given the enormous effort that the late, great Stan Winston and his team put into making the Spinosaurus prop - it was 44 feet long and weighed 13 tons - it would've surely been easier to just render this particular dinosaur entirely with CGI.

In part, the problem might be that nobody photographs an animatronic dinosaur quite like Steven Spielberg, but all the same, the film's CGI dinos are spectacular enough that they should've done most of the heavy lifting here.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.