10 Times Movies Went To Extreme Lengths For Scenes That Didn’t Make The Cut

1. Bruce Almighty - Steve Carrell Is Set On Fire

Steve Carrell
Universal Pictures

In what was pretty much Steve Carell's first real appearance in a motion picture, the eventual Office star was thrown right into the deep end with a stunt involving his news anchor, Evan Baxter, being tormented and tortured by Jim Carrey's God-power-possessing Bruce Nolan.

Though the scene itself wasn't outright cut from the movie, with it actually going on to be one of its genuine highlights, there was a moment seen as a little too extreme in hindsight.

Along with making Evan's nose "bleed profusely", Carell recounted that his head was also "burst into flames", something that was achieved with no digital effects. But the moviemakers thought it was "too mean of him to do as a character".

In Carell's own words:

"They ran a gas line down my back and they put a coil on top of my head. They put gel on my head so it wouldn’t burn and they ignited this enormous four-foot flame. "

At least the "terrifying" scene wasn't completely lost forever, with it popping back up in the movie's DVD extras. But this likely wasn't what the actor had in mind when he set out to light the movie world on fire.

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