10 Times Movies Went To Extreme Lengths For Scenes That Didn’t Make The Cut

9. The Wizard Of Oz - A Dance 5 Weeks In The Making Is Chopped

Steve Carrell

When your writer throws the word "Jitterbug" into the mix, your mind likely wanders off to the pleasant sight of the late George Michael having a little jig. However, if not for the decision being made to cut a sizeable chunk out of the eventual classic that would go on to be The Wizard of Oz, there's every chance Wham! would have some significant competition on the "Jitterbug" pop culture stage.

The deleted scene in question would've involved Dorothy, The Lion, The Tinman, and The Scarecrow all being stung by the dreaded blue and pink mosquito-esque "Jitterbug", an act that would result in them having no choice but to bust out dance moves for six-minutes straight. This also took a mind-blowing five weeks to rehearse for, costing around $1 million when adjusted for inflation, only to be thrown out altogether alongside an unwanted subplot during the editing process.

It's said that a major reason for the aforementioned sequence and narrative detour being chopped from the eventual hit was due to the film's substantial length. But have no fear, you can still listen to the song behind the action... here!


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...