10 Times Requiem For A Dream Scared The Hell Out Of You

8. Sara's Fidgeting

Another short montage of scenes shows Sara becoming increasingly restless after taking her first diet pill, immediately sparking a feeling of unease in the audience. The weird jaunty music over shots of her defensively dancing in front of her fast growing nemesis, the fridge, is really off kilter. For anyone who's ever tried going on a diet, this is the epitome of what not to do. The film theme tune and the sound of the ever present television over sped up scenes of her cleaning her flat, sweating in front of the television, taking her glasses off, and putting her glasses on creates a really uncomfortable feel to this part of the film. It's horrible to watch (especially when she starts grinding her teeth in a really disgusting manner). It's Scary Because: it's so uncomfortable to witness, especially when Sara originally had the audiences sympathy because she was old and alone and had lost her husband.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).