10 Times Star Wars Refused To Give Fans What They Wanted

2. A Satisfying Answer To "Who Is Rey's Family?" - The Last Jedi

Darth Vader Maul

Easily the question debated the most walking out of Disney's first entry in their burgeoning Sequel Trilogy centred around which Star Wars family Daisy Ridley's Force-sensitive Rey belonged to.

Some theorised that Rey may have been a lost Solo. Others pondered whether Rey could have in fact been the latest generation of Skywalker or even Kenobi.

Well, by the time The Last Jedi arrived on the scene a few years on, it turns out that just about none of those folks who spent their time fiercely arguing over which family tree she was connected to were on the money.

Instead of going down the more familiar road that had been somewhat teased in The Force Awakens, with Kenobi's voice in particular being heard during Rey's lightsaber vision, Rian Johnson opted to subvert these expectations by having Rey be revealed as, well, a "nobody".

Said daring attempt at taking the franchise in a bold new direction was then disappointingly retconned by Rey going full Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker, of course. But there was actually a moment there when Disney did threaten to offer a far more satisfying answer to this pointlessly debated mystery (or at least one that wouldn't have elicited audible groans), with Ridley later noting how the Kenobi route in particular was suggested at one point in the trilogy's production.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...