10 Times The MCU FRUSTRATINGLY Held Back

9. Thor Getting A New Eye (And Hammer)

Thor Ragnarok Eye
Marvel Studios

Although Thor: Ragnarok was essentially the first pure comedy in the MCU, it still pushed forward with some pretty substantial story moments. From Asgard being destroyed to Thor losing both Mjolnir and his eye battling Hela, s**t went down in the film's final third.

It was the latter development that seemed more important to the God of Thunder as a character though. In Ragnarok the Asgardian finally embraced his role as king, which was perfectly reflected by him visually becoming more like his father, Odin.

The character sports his new wound for the majority of his next movie, Infinity War, but the whole thing is undone when he's given a replacement eye by Rocket Raccoon. Other than him "needing both eyes to take on Thanos", there's no reason why his injury had to be fixed.

There's a more compelling in-narrative reason for Thor getting another weapon (even though him realising the power was always in him, rather than in any hammer, was a great way to expand the character in Ragnarok), in that he needs it to kill Thanos, but taken together it seems as though Marvel were just keen on repositioning the character back to where he was previously.

And yeah, you could argue Thor getting his eye isn't that important in the grand scheme of things, but that's partly why it's so egregious. If Marvel can't let something as small as this stick, then how can you trust them to deliver wide-reaching consequences to bigger plot developments?

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3