10 Times The Movie Killer Was Hiding In Plain Sight

9. Mr. Glass - Unbreakable

Unbreakable Mr Glass Samuel L Jackson
Buena Vista

Like Scream, M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable sought to toy with genre conventions, by presenting a very different kind of superhero movie - even before audiences knew that it was in fact a superhero movie at all.

The film of course revolves around David Dunn (Bruce Willis), the sole survivor of a train crash which killed 131 people, who crosses paths with Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), a brittle-boned man who believes that the "unbreakable" Dunn must be his opposite - an indestructible superhero.

And just as the movie is beginning to wrap up, it still doesn't appear that a major antagonist has been identified: Price is nothing more than an sad, lonely man desperate to make sense of his own weakened condition, right?

Except, the very end of the film reveals that Price had actually caused numerous high-profile accidents - including the opening crash - in the hope of finding an unscathed sole survivor to be his polar opposite. If he is the supervillain, then David must be the superhero.

Though Price, who ultimately goes by his childhood nickname Mr. Glass, was certainly an eccentric throughout the entire movie, those final moments flip the script completely to reveal that he's killed literally hundreds of people in the quest to find what he believes to be his heroic match.

Of all the Shyamalan twists, it honestly might be the most satisfying, and certainly the most horrifying (in a good way, at least).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.