10 Tiny Horror Movie Details That Give Away Character Secrets

9. Jay’s Grandfather - It Follows

Saw Gun

It Follows came out in 2014 and tells the story of an "entity" that mercilessly hunts down its victims before murdering them in gruesome fashion.

The twist? The target of the creature can be changed by having sex with someone! Oh the joys!

Jay (Maika Monroe) is a young woman who catches the curse of the entity right at the start of the film. Now, the curse is an allegory for sexually transmitted infections, which don't always have obvious symptoms. This one sure does though, and one of them is a weird old naked man staring at you from the roof of a house.

Jay is naturally perturbed by the sight of old man weiner, but she's even more put off because this particular old man weiner is related to her.

Earlier in the movie, we see a collection of photos of Jay and her family. In one photo, she is stood with her grandfather - the same man that she sees on the roof.

A popular fan theory is that the entity takes on the form of someone who has sexually abused its victims. If this is true, then it taking on the form of Jay's grandfather reveals an incredibly dark family secret.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.