10 Tiny Movie Details That Give Away Character Secrets

8. The Party Guests All Arrive In Black Cars, Foreshadowing Their Use Of Black People As "Vehicles" - Get Out

Get Out

Jordan Peele's Get Out is surely one of the most meticulously layered and expertly engineered horror films of the last decade.

Jam-packed with terrifically satisfying symbolism, it's a movie that continues to reveal new surprises on third, fourth, and even fifth viewings.

Perhaps the most sneaky feat of foreshadowing in the entire movie occurs when guests start arriving for the Armitage's house party, and every single car that pulls up just so happens to be black.

Given that the film's plot ultimately revolves around a family of wealthy, old white people kidnapping young black people and taking control of their bodies - using them as vehicles, even - it's hysterical that Peele lays this out in such blatant-yet-abstract terms so early on.

And even if you think this is a bit of a reach on our part, Peele himself confirmed it was totally intentional in the below interview.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.