10 Totally Awful "Comedies" With One Hilarious Scene

4. Christopher Walken's Armpit Farts - The Country Bears

The Country Bears The Country Bears is a fail of a comedy that flopped at the box office and with critics as well, because adapting a theme park ride into a movie is rarely a good idea, at least unless it's called Pirates of the Caribbean (and even that's gone too far now). Incredibly, Christopher Walken also received a Razzie nomination for his part in the film, which is utterly ridiculous when he's the only actor in the entire enterprise who manages to wring a single laugh out of it. Literally the only way this is tolerable for anyone other than a toddler is Walken's Reed Thimple, a cantankerous, greedy banker who wants to destroy the bears' concert hall, infusing the role with his typically Walkenian villainy. The single scene that actually raises a laugh, though, occurs when Walken performs the 1812 Overture...with armpit farts. Just the sheer incredulity of it, of seeing an Oscar-winning actor so gleefully throwing himself into such a ludicrous, thankless role, is an astounding, uproariously funny sight indeed.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.