10 Totally Awful "Comedies" With One Hilarious Scene

5. "There's S*** Everywhere!" - Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd

Dumb and Dumberer Bob Saget Dumb and Dumberer was, for 99% of its screen-time, an utter fail of a movie, an insult to the comic genius of the original Farrelly Brothers' flick. However, one scene really works, and that's largely because of Bob Saget, who eschews his typically family friendly image and lets loose with a torrent of screeching profanity that works on the basis of a basic comic principal - confounding expectations. After Harry accidentally makes a mess in Jessica's (Rachel Nichols) bathroom with a melted chocolate bar, her father (Saget) enters to see it for himself, and automatically assumes it to be fecal matter. Saget has a total freak-out, screaming, "There's s*** everywhere! There's s*** all over the walls! My house is covered in s***!", earning the film its one genuine belly laugh amid a slew of misjudged gags and lame-brained nods to the original movie. Still, the actors playing the dumb duo probably deserved better, as their impressions of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are totally spot-on.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.