10 Totally Awful "Comedies" With One Hilarious Scene

2. Weird Al Yankovic's Opening Song - Spy Hard

Spy Hard Proof that even a guy as hilarious as Leslie Nielsen can't save a bum script, Spy Hard is a forgettable if at 81 minutes also mercifully short "comedy" that features one single, solitary scene worth mentioning - Weird Al Yankovic's outrageous opening song, serving as a spoof of the elaborate opening titles of the James Bond movies. When the single morsel of comedy doesn't even come from the script, you know you're in trouble, and without Yankovic's contribution, this film would not resonate in the brain cells for even a second. The bizarre swimming graphics, close-ups of Yankovic's nasal cavity and the silly lyrics generate a few riotous laughs, as is more than can be said for the entirety of the rest of the movie. Oh, and Al's head explodes at the end - what more do you want? Fun fact: the movie was directed by Rick Friedberg, yes, the father of Jason Friedberg of Friedberg/Seltzer fame.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.