10 Tracks Guaranteed To Trigger Your Movie Memory

7. In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins, The Hangover

The Hangover Mike Tyson This eighties classic by Phil Collins has the perfect light and shade moments with a critical build up to the big moment were the song reaches an unbelievable crescendo. The scene from The Hangover featuring Mike Tyson called for a heavyweight track with this light and shade to reflect the ferocious yet timid nature of Tyson and the tense yet hilarious few minutes were the characters are unsure which way Tyson is going to go. Poor unsuspecting Alan is ultimately punched straight in the face at the very pivotal peak of the song and this brilliant moment in the movie is what springs to mind every time Collins utters the first line of the song.

Lady from Liverpool, UK with a BA in English Literature and American Studies currently residing in lovely Melbourne, Australia. Writing and indulging in everything music and television from Kanye West to True Blood. If your a TV fanatic, music lover or just want to have a little nose at what I have to say, check out my blog at aleafoutofhollysbook.wordpress.com